Family Vision Center PA – Common Causes of Dry Eye (And How to Avoid Them)

Dry eyes can be a serious problem. For some people, it’s frustrating and annoying. For others, it’s a serious medical condition. Many causes of dry eye can be prevented if you take action early. The team at Family Vision Center PA wants you to be as comfortable as possible. Here’s a look at some common causes of dry eye and how you can avoid them if possible.

Decreased Tear Production

As we age, our tear glands produce fewer tears. This can cause dry eye. While you can’t prevent the normal aging process, taking good care of your eyes can help reduce this risk. Also, vitamin A, if you’re deficient in this nutrient, can help with tear production.


Allergies can cause eyes to feel dry and gritty. You can use over-the-counter allergy medications and eye drops to help. Avoiding your allergens is also helpful if you know what they are. Talk to your eye doctor to see if your eyes are showing signs of allergies.


Dry eye is a side effect of many medications. If you notice this on the list of potential side effects, you can talk to your doctor about alternative treatments for your condition. If you need the medication causing your dry eye, discuss the best eye drops to use with your medical team.

Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions cause dry eye. For instance, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren’s syndrome can all cause problems with tear production or the quality of your tears. You may not be able to avoid these medical conditions. If you have one, talk to your eye doctor about the best way to manage your dry eyes.

If you’re struggling with dry eye, Family Medical Center PA can help. Schedule an appointment today.

Can My Child Develop Dry Eye Syndrome and How to Treat Kids

Since 1966, Family Vision Center has been the optometrist in Wellington, FL, for dry eye relief. We work with children and adults who have dry eye syndrome, which is increasingly common. Whether your child is using digital screens often or has dry eye symptoms due to your home or work environment, we can assist with reducing dry eye syndrome.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic inflammation in the eyeball associated with the use of digitized screens. The bright lights on screens reflect into the retina and cornea and cause damage to the eyeball. As a result of too much exposure to these bright lights, often close up to the face, your child could develop dry eye syndrome.

How to Tell If Your Child Has Dry Eye Syndrome

The most noticeable symptom of dry eye syndrome is red, scratchy eyeballs. When your child complains about having grit or sand in their eyes, which are also bright red instead of white, this is a sign of a dry eye condition.

Another way to know if your child’s red eyes are caused by dry eye syndrome is to consider their screen time. Does your child use a computer or mobile device for longer than eight hours at a time on a regular basis? This is a common cause of dry eye syndrome, and reducing use of digital screens may reduce the symptoms.

Treat Your Dry Eye in Wellington, FL

The only way to determine if your child has dry eye syndrome in Wellington, FL, is to consult with an optometrist. Our eye doctor is ready to assist you and your child with a thorough eye and vision exam to test for dry eye condition.

Contact Family Vision Center at 561-439-2020 for an appointment to treat dry eye for your child.

What Are the Primary Causes of Dry Eye?

Did you realize that our modern technology-rich lifestyle may be the cause of increasing dry eye problems? It’s not just seasonal allergies and dust storms that are to blame for the itchiness and redness that plague many Americans.

The increasing amount of screen time by both children and adults seems to contribute to higher numbers of dry eye problems and potential vision issues for millions of Americans, particularly if you’re over 50.

Why Lubrication Is Important

Tears are meant to lubricate our eyes, and natural tears soothe and cleanse the cornea, wash away irritants and keep our eyes bright and our corneas healthy. Sometimes tear ducts can become blocked, and certain common medications can impede the formation of tears.

But another cause of dry eye is simple evaporation. That also may be a lifestyle problem, with people spending more time indoors in temperature-controlled environments.

If you don’t cry at sad movies, or if your eyes “burn,” are easily irritated, or react to intense light without tearing up, you may be plagued by chronic dry eye. Dry eyes may be seasonal or allergy-related, but the reasons may not even be apparent.

Be Aware of Technology Issues

It is normal to blink less frequently when looking at a computer screen or watching a movie on television. Screen time is often cited as a serious problem for children, but it is also an issue for adults who work in offices. Reading books and driving, when concentration is vital, can also contribute to dry eye issues.

What to Do to Combat Dry Eye 

A relatively small percentage of people report overactive tear ducts and are always dabbing at their eyes with tissues. Occasionally, achieving the proper balance can be difficult.

Consult with your eye doctor in Wellington, Florida, if you have a problem with too few or too many tears. It might be a condition that can be easily treated. Would you like to schedule an appointment?

Does Bacteria Cause Dry Eye?

Dry eyes affect millions of people worldwide, but the condition is not always well understood by those who suffer from it. If you’ve ever wondered what causes dry eye and whether you should be worried about a bacterial infection, learn more about the research.

What We Know

The truth is that scientists are still asking questions about dry eyes and their relationship with bacteria. Generally, bacteria are not thought to cause dry eye in Wellington, FL, though there are connections between the two. The fewer tears you produce, the less protection you have against infections. In addition, if you have a surplus of bacteria in the eye, thanks to an imbalance of the healthy bacteria that thrive on your eye’s surface, this may weaken the tear film and irritate it.

Understanding Dry Eye

If you’ve ever blinked after sitting in front of a TV screen for too long only to realize how dry your eyes are, you may already know that dry eyes may stem from different causes. For many people, it’s a problem with their meibomian glands, which sit at the edge of the eyelid. If these glands become clogged, they fail to release the oil that hydrates (your eyes and saline). Thankfully, some treatments can unclog the glands.

Eye Doctors in Wellington

Dry eyes aren’t serious on their own, but they can interfere with your vision, which can be dangerous if you perform critical tasks. If you’ve been dealing with dry eyes lately, whether it’s a chronic problem or just noticing it happening more often, an optometrist in Wellington, FL, can tell you more about what’s happening behind the surface. Family Vision Center PA’s staff can evaluate your eyes and treat your condition based on the results.

Risk Factors for Dry Eye

Are you plagued with chronically dry eyes? This is a condition that causes several uncomfortable symptoms, including red, itchy eyes and the feeling that there’s something in your eye that you can’t get out. Fortunately, youreye doctor in Wellington, FL, can tell you more about dry eye, including who’s most at risk of developing this uncomfortable disorder.

Should I Worry About Dry Eye?
While it’s a fairly common condition, some people are more at risk of developing dry eye than others. These include people over the age of fifty, those who are pregnant, anyone suffering from a vitamin A deficiency, and those who wear contact lenses. But there are other factors that may make you more at risk of developing dry eyes, including:

Spending a lot of time outdoors in the wind
A dry environment inside your home
Excessive time spent in front of a screen
Not staying hydrated
If any of these describe you, and you’ve recently noticed dry, itchy eyes, it’s time to schedule an appointment for a routine eye exam with your vision specialist.

How Do I Know if I Have Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes manifest as burning, itching, and irritation. It may feel as though you have a particle in your eye, but the more you try to remove it, the worse your eye feels. You may notice pieces of stringy mucus in your eyes, and it may hurt to open them. These are all symptoms of dry eye disease, and they happen because the tears your body is producing either aren’t enough to keep your eyes lubricated or they’re not remaining in the eyes for a long enough period of time to lubricate them adequately.

Fordiagnosis and treatment of dry eyes in Wellington, FL, call Family Vision Center PA today.

How to Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms in the Winter

Dry eye symptoms can often worsen during the winter months due to factors like low humidity, exposure to cold winds, and indoor heating. Therefore, many patients reach out for dry eye treatment in Wellington, FL, in the cooler months of the year. Here are some tips to help reduce dry eye symptoms in the winter.

1. Use a Humidifier
If you are using your heat to stay warm when Wellington temperatures dip below a comfortable level, it may also be a good idea to run a humidifier if you have dry eyes. Heat systems lower the humidity in the air, which can also mean tears evaporate quickly. Therefore, you may have more dry eye symptoms.

2. Reduce Indoor Irritants
If your winter months involve more time indoors, consider doing a quick indoor air quality evaluation. Poor air quality can do a number on dry eyes. What kind of pollutants or irritants could be contributing to your dry eye issues inside your home? A few common indoor irritants include:

Tobacco smoke
Pet dander
Dust mites
Cleaning chemicals
Home air fragrances
3. Stay Hydrated
Good hydration is key to tear production. In the winter, when the weather is a bit cooler and you’re not sweating, you may not reach for water as often as usual. Unfortunately, not taking in enough H2O can worsen dry eye symptoms.

4. Wear Sunglasses
If you have to be outdoors during the winter when the temperatures are lower than usual, be sure to wear your sunglasses. Cool wind can dry your eyes out faster than the typical warm, moist air of summer. However, sunglasses may help.

Discuss Dry Eye with a Wellington, FL Eye Doctor
Need additional support for dry eyes from a Wellington, FL eye doctor? Reach out to the team at Family Vision Center to schedule an appointment.

Can Dry Eye Syndrome be Reversed?

Dry eye syndrome affects millions of people all over the world. This condition causes redness, irritation and—in some cases—physical damage to the eye. If you’ve been diagnosed with dry eye syndrome in Wellington, FL, you may like to know whether or not the condition can be reversed.

Treatment For Dry Eye Syndrome
Much of the treatment for dry eye syndrome has to do with alleviating the symptoms as well as diagnosing and treating the underlying causes. Treatment may include one or more of the following:

prescription eye drops
lifestyle changes
adaptive changes for corrective eyewear (scleral lenses, eyeglasses, etc.)
avoidance of environmental triggers
prescription oral medications
gland expression
light therapy
Is Reversal of Dry Eye Syndrome Possible?
It’s not really possible to reverse dry eye syndrome. If damage has been done to the cornea, that damage may be permanent. This is why it’s important to get treatment for dry eyes as soon as possible after you notice symptoms. However, there is help in the form of treatment to prevent further damage, and to help keep the eyes sufficiently lubricated.

Symptoms of Dry Eyes Syndrome
If you do notice that you have the following symptoms of dry eyes, it’s important to contact your eye doctor as soon as possible for treatment. Symptoms of dry eyes include:

feeling like sand is in the eyes
redness in the whites of the eyes
eye fatigue
feeling like the air is drying out the eyes
having to squeeze eyes tight to get relief
wearing contact lenses increasingly difficult or uncomfortable
shorter wearable time for contact lenses
burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
Your eye doctor in Wellington, FL has diagnostic tools available to determine if you have dry eyes syndrome. Contact us today to learn more or to book your appointment.

Can Dry Eye Be a Symptom of Another Disease?

For most people, dry eye is more of an annoyance than anything else. In fact, millions can go years ignoring the condition without suffering any major consequences. However, there are cases where dry eyes are more serious, and never more so when they’re a symptom of a bigger condition rather than the primary problem.

Can Dry Eyes Be a Symptom?

In some cases, dry eyes in Wellington, FL, are a byproduct of another disease. These can include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Scleroderma
  • Sjogren’s
  • Lupus
  • Grave’s disease

For many of these disorders, dry eyes are not likely to be the first symptom that a person notices. What’s more common is that dry eyes can help a person confirm the possibility of a particular disorder, so they’re more likely to take action about it. For instance, Sjogren’s autoimmune disorder may start with dry eyes and mouth rather than a more noticeable event.

Should I Be Concerned About Standard Dry Eye?

Once you confirm what’s causing your dry eye, you might wonder if you need to be worried about the more standard causes. (Standard causes include a block in your meibomian glands, blinking habits, screen usage, etc.). For the most part, dry eyes are low on the list in terms of severity. However, this doesn’t mean that a person should ignore the problem. Severe dry eye is more than just uncomfortable, it can cause vision problems when you’re driving a vehicle, chopping in the kitchen, or any number of other critical tasks.

Optometrists in Wellington

If you’re ready to figure out the root cause of your dry eyes, visit an eye doctor in Wellington, FL, who can give you the facts. Family Vision Center PA’s staff is here to set the record straight and figure out a solution.

4 Ways to Treat Dry Eye

Dry eye can be a nuisance that can cause discomfort. Dry eye can also interfere with your contact lenses. If you suffer from dry eye, your eye doctor in Wellington, FL can help keep your eyes healthy. Below are four things you can do to keep your eyes safe and healthy.

1. Add a Little Humidity

Dryness in the air can cause or exacerbate dry eyes. Adding a little humidity to the air in your home – particularly to the places where you spend the most time – can help alleviate symptoms of dry eye. Use a dehumidifier in your home in rooms like the bedroom or living room, where you spend the majority of your time.

2. Use Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are available for sale in pharmacies without a prescription. Artificial tears can help alleviate symptoms of dry eye by keeping your eyes moist and comfortable throughout the day. Keep bottles of artificial tears in your home, purse, office and other places that you frequent, and use artificial tears as indicated on the bottle.

3. Protect Your Eyes

Wear wrap around sunglasses when you’re outside, particularly on bright, sunny days. If you’re using a blow-dryer, protect your eyes from fast blowing air by using the lowest, coolest setting.

4. Talk to Your Eye Doctor

If you made all of the changes listed above and you’re still experiencing dry eye, talk to your eye doctor. Your eye doctor can provide dry eye treatment in Wellington, FL. You may be taking a medication that’s causing dry eye, or you may have a condition that needs treatment.

At Family Vision Center PA, we work with patients to identify the cause of their dry eye and prescribe medicines or take action as needed. If you suffer from dry eye, call today to make an appointment and learn more about what you can do.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition that can make your eyes look red and irritated. Dry eye can also make your eyes itchy, watery and generally uncomfortable. Some people get dry eye seasonally, while others experience dry eye because of medication or because of hormone changes, or because of factors in the environment. If you have dry eye, your eye doctor in Wellington, FL can help. Here’s what you need to know about this condition and how you can control its symptoms.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition where the eyes don’t produce adequate tears to lubricate your eyes. If you have dry eye, your eyes may sting or burn, and they may even be watery (to compensate for the dryness). Dry eye is a condition that affects many adults.

What Can You Do to Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms?

If you have dry eye, over the counter eye drops can help lubricate your eyes and reduce some of the most unpleasant symptoms. You can also make changes to your lifestyle and environment to reduce symptoms.

  • Humidify the rooms of the house where you spend the most time.
  • Avoid blowing warm air into your eyes with the blow-dryer.
  • Avoid getting smoke in your eyes.
  • Wear wrap around glasses to block the wind when you’re engaging in outdoor activities like biking, running, skiing.
  • Give yourself frequent breaks when engaging in tasks like working at the computer.

Can Your Eye Doctor Help With Dry Eye?

Your eye doctor can help with dry eye in Wellington, FL. If your condition is severe, you may need extra dry eye treatment. To get help with your dry eye, contact Family Vision Center PA to make an appointment. We can help!
