3 Things to Know About Your Meibomian Gland

The meibomian gland is located at the edge of the eyelid and plays an important role in ocular health. We’ll examine its function and discuss how to protect it.

1. Your Meibomian Gland Releases Oil

When you think of your tears, you might classify them as standard saltwater. You might not realize that healthy tears are partially made up of oil. The meibomian gland releases the oil, which mixes with the tears to coat the eyes.

2. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Can Cause Dry Eyes

When the meibomian gland is clogged or otherwise dysfunctional, the oil won’t release. This causes an imbalance in your tears, leading to dry eyes. The less oil from your glands, the less effective your tears will be. If you’ve ever felt your eyes constantly water without feeling any type of relief from dry eye, you might want to see an eye doctor in Wellington, FL.

3. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Does Not Always Cause Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be caused by any number of things, which is why it’s important not to self-diagnose. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of dry eyes, whether it’s stinging eyes or blurred vision, an optometrist can help you figure out what the problem is so that you can take the best course of action for your eyes.

Contact an Eye Doctor in Wellington

Dry eyes can be exceptionally dangerous, especially if they impact your vision when driving. Too many people treat dry eye with drugstore eye drops when they need a more comprehensive solution. For better treatment options, call Vision Center PA to learn more about how we can help.

Neurolens Can Relieve Your Eye Fatigue

Digital eye strain is a common problem in today’s fast-paced world, and the problem will only get worse over time. After sitting in front of a computer screen all day at work, people spend many more hours on their smartphones, personal computers, and watching television. The average American spends at least nine hours a day looking at screens, and 65 percent complain of some form of digital eye strain.

Eye fatigue and other visual disturbances are the casualties of living in a digital age.Neurolens in Wellington FL can relieve or eliminate eye fatigue and a host of other symptoms.

What is Neurolens?

Neurolens is a patented technology that helps to relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve, which is the part of the eye that becomes irritated by digital eye strain. Some of the common symptoms associated with this phenomenon include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • Headache
  • Light sensitivity
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Red, itchy, and irritated eye

According to the company that created Neurolens, over 90 percent of patients surveyed stated that their digital eye strain symptoms improved or went away entirely after they started wearing the specialty glasses.

Dr. Lori Mazza or Dr. Kara Hayes just need to add Neurolens to your prescription. The contoured prism in your new pair of glasses will not distract you or affect your vision.

Could You Benefit from Neurolens?

Anyone who spends a lot of time with digital devices and who already wear prescription glasses should find that the annoying symptoms of digital eye strain goes away within a few weeks withNeurolens in Wellington FL. Please schedule a consultation with us to learn more about the benefits of this new technology and whether you would be a good candidate for it.

 Why Are My Eyes Always Itchy?

Eyes can become itchy for all sorts of temporary reasons. But if you find that your eyes are chronically itchy, meaning it seems like they’re always itching, it’s time to visit your eye doctor in Wellington, FL. Your eye doctor can diagnose and determine a treatment plan for your itchy eyes so that you can get some relief. In the meantime, here are some common causes of itchy eyes to be aware of.


The most common cause of itchy eyes is allergies. In Wellington, Florida, there are all kinds of potential allergens that can cause your eyes to itch. Most are seasonally-related. If you find that your eyes tend to get itchy at certain times of the year, it’s likely that you’re allergic to pollen or some other irritant.

However, there are other possible allergens to consider. You may be experiencing itchy eyes due to a certain eye makeup, face soap, or laundry detergent. It’s recommended to keep a log to see if you can establish a pattern between products, seasonal allergens, and your itchy eyes flareups.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Another common, yet often overlooked, cause of itchy eyes is dry eye syndrome. This condition occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. Without sufficient lubrication, your eyes can become irritated and itchy. Environmental conditions and even aging can contribute to this condition. You can get a diagnosis and treatment for dry eye syndrome in Wellington, FL.

Eye Strain

Factors such as prolonged screen time and working long hours can contribute to eye strain. A common symptom of eye strain is itchy eyes. Try to close your eyes every few minutes for several seconds to give your eyes a break. You may need to make other lifestyle changes.

If you have itchy eyes, don’t ignore it. You could damage your eyes by repeated rubbing. Contact us today to schedule your eye exam so we can get to the source of the problem.

Can Nearsightedness be Prevented?

If you wear prescription eyewear in Wellington, FL, for nearsightedness, you know how inconvenient this condition can be. Even if you’re only a bit nearsighted, you always rely on contacts or glasses to help you see clearly. And if you’re heavily nearsighted, you wake up to a blurry world and may feel like you’re living in a fog until you put your lenses on. The good news is that if you have children, you can work to help prevent them from becoming nearsighted. To a certain extent, this condition can be prevented.

Why Are People Nearsighted?
A refraction error inside the eye causes nearsightedness. When the normally oval eye is elongated, the light that enters the eyes is focused in front of the retina rather than on it.

How to Help Prevent Nearsightedness
It’s important to note that genetics play a big role in whether a person develops nearsightedness. However, several strategies may help reduce the risk or slow its progression in children.

Supply Abundant Lighting
When your child is reading or doing any activity indoors, ensure there is plenty of light. This is especially important at night when only lamps are used to light a room. The child should not be reading or coloring in low light, where they must squint and strain their eyes.

Encourage Outdoor Play
When weather permits, encourage your child to spend time outside playing instead of inside. In moderation, the sun’s rays provide Vitamin D, which is essential for the healthy growth and development of the eyes and the rest of the body. Also, more exposure to natural light and focusing on distant objects may help maintain proper eye growth and reduce myopia risk.

You may not be able to entirely prevent myopia, but you might be able to minimize it. In the meantime, contact your eye doctor in Wellington, FL, for your next eye prescription.

3 Signs You Have an Eyelid Disorder

Eyelid disorders are relatively common and can range in severity. People with extreme symptoms, such as a drooping eyelid, won’t have to question whether to see aneye doctor in Wellington, FL. Other people may not even realize there’s an issue. We’ll look at the most common signs of eyelid disorders and why it’s important to pay attention to them.

Eyelid Irritation
If you’re constantly itching your eyes, the problem may not be your eyes but your eyelids. Conditions like blepharitis occur when your glands are blocked, or the eyelid skin is infected, which can cause the eyelids to become inflamed.

Bump on the Eyelid
A bump on the eyelid is usually a stye. This condition is caused when the gland or hair follicle is infected. Styes often go away after a few days; some are so small that they may go undetectable. However, if you’re constantly getting styes or they take too long to go away, it could be a sign of a more chronic problem.

If you notice flakes or crust on your eyelid, it could be a sign that your glands are blocked. The saline from your tears is not the only element that keeps your eyes moist. You need the oil from the gland inside your eyelid to stay hydrated. Crusting is more than annoying, it’s a condition that can lead to chronic dry eye in the future.

See an Optometrist in Wellington
Eyelid disorders in Wellington, FL, can be treated when you visit the right team. At Family Vision Center PA, we can tell you more about the problem so you can get the help and care you need.

Hidden Signs Your Child Needs Vision Correction

Children often have no idea that there’s anything wrong with their vision. They’ll just assume that everyone sees the same way they do. It’s up to parents to detect the hidden signs that vision correction may be needed. Here are some things to look for:

Chronic Headaches
Your child should rarely experience a headache. If you find that they frequently complain about their head hurting or they are holding their head, the problem may be caused by poor vision. Poor vision causes the eyes to strain to focus, leading to headaches. In some cases, the headaches may be so severe that they resemble migraines.

They Refuse to Participate
if your child adamantly refuses to engage in certain activities, despite cajoling, threats or offers of a treat, it could be that they’re embarrassed or trying to hide the fact that they can’t see well. This vision challenge can cause a child to avoid activities where they can’t possibly excel.

They Don’t Enjoy Reading
Some people like reading, and others don’t. That’s okay. But if your child doesn’t like to read, you must consider the possibility that the reason has to do with them not being able to see up close. If they’re nearsighted, then reading becomes a chore, not an enjoyable pastime. There may be other reasons, but you should rule out a vision problem by bringing them to get aneye exam in Wellington, FL.

New Anger Issues
If your child’s personality changes after entering school, the problem could stem from many things, including poor eyesight. Not being able to see well will cause frustration, and your child may react with misplaced or overblown anger.

Bring your child in to see anoptometrist in Wellington, FL, whether or not you notice any hidden signs. But if you do see any of these clues, the sooner, the better you get them treatment.

Risk Factors for Dry Eye

Are you plagued with chronically dry eyes? This is a condition that causes several uncomfortable symptoms, including red, itchy eyes and the feeling that there’s something in your eye that you can’t get out. Fortunately, youreye doctor in Wellington, FL, can tell you more about dry eye, including who’s most at risk of developing this uncomfortable disorder.

Should I Worry About Dry Eye?
While it’s a fairly common condition, some people are more at risk of developing dry eye than others. These include people over the age of fifty, those who are pregnant, anyone suffering from a vitamin A deficiency, and those who wear contact lenses. But there are other factors that may make you more at risk of developing dry eyes, including:

Spending a lot of time outdoors in the wind
A dry environment inside your home
Excessive time spent in front of a screen
Not staying hydrated
If any of these describe you, and you’ve recently noticed dry, itchy eyes, it’s time to schedule an appointment for a routine eye exam with your vision specialist.

How Do I Know if I Have Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes manifest as burning, itching, and irritation. It may feel as though you have a particle in your eye, but the more you try to remove it, the worse your eye feels. You may notice pieces of stringy mucus in your eyes, and it may hurt to open them. These are all symptoms of dry eye disease, and they happen because the tears your body is producing either aren’t enough to keep your eyes lubricated or they’re not remaining in the eyes for a long enough period of time to lubricate them adequately.

Fordiagnosis and treatment of dry eyes in Wellington, FL, call Family Vision Center PA today.

Best Practices for Clean and Comfortable Contact Lenses

Did you know that properly caring for your contacts would make them more comfortable to wear? Youreye doctor in Wellington, FL, will also tell you that the proper care of your contacts will help keep them from damaging your eyes.

Best Practices for Clean and Comfortable Contact Lenses
Here are some care recommendations your eye doctor will give you when prescribing youcontacts in Wellington, FL.

Regular Eye Exams
It’s essential to schedule regular exams with your eye doctor. Your optometrist can assess your eye health and provide you with personalized advice and updated prescriptions. This will help minimize the risk of irritation or other eye health issues.

Proper Lens Hygiene
Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contacts to prevent the transfer of bacteria. And only use a recommended lens solution to clear and disinfect your lenses. Never use tap water or saliva on your contacts. These could introduce harmful microorganisms to your eyes and lenses.

Tips for Having Comfortable Contact Lenses
You should hydrate your eyes by using lubricating eye drops made for contacts to keep your eyes comfortable. Follow the wearing schedule recommended by your eye doctor. Extended wear without the proper breaks can lead to discomfort and complications. And replace your lenses as recommended by your eye doctor.

How to Properly Clean Your Contact Lenses
Always wash and dry your hands before cleaning your lenses. Then, fill your contact lens case with fresh disinfecting solution. Next, rub your contact lens with disinfecting solution, then rinse that lens with more solution. Then, place it in its storage chamber and close the lid. Do that with both lenses.

Do You Need an Eye Doctor in Wellington, FL?
If you need an eye doctor in Wellington, FL, pleaseContact Vision Source today. Proactive eye care is the key to maintaining clean and comfortable contact lenses. Don’t compromise your vision. Take the first step towards the best possible eye health available.

Contact Lenses and Seasonal Allergies: Things to Know

When you have seasonal allergies,contact lenses in Wellington, FL, may bring about a few specific concerns. While wearing contact lenses is fine for most allergy sufferers, there may be a few additional considerations to remain comfortable despite allergies. Take a look at a few important things to know about wearing contact lenses if you suffer from seasonal allergies.

1. Allergy-Friendly Lens Choices
When dealing with seasonal allergies, choosing the right type of contact lenses is crucial. Daily disposable lenses can be a game-changer, as they eliminate the need for cleaning and the potential accumulation of allergens. Additionally, lenses with higher water content may provide more comfort for those experiencing dry eyes due to allergy-related factors.

2. Follow Proper Lens Hygiene
Maintaining impeccable lens hygiene is paramount, especially for allergy sufferers. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting your lenses can prevent the buildup of allergens and irritants. Consider using preservative-free saline solutions to minimize the risk of additional irritants. Furthermore, storing lenses in a clean and dry case and replacing the case regularly can contribute to a healthier lens-wearing experience.

3. Managing Discomfort and Dryness
Allergies often exacerbate symptoms of dryness and discomfort. Lubricating eye drops approved for use with contact lenses can offer relief from dry eyes. Communicate your specific symptoms and challenges with an eye care professional to get tailored solutions for your circumstances personally. All patients can have their own experiences when it comes to allergy-related issues with contact lenses.

Discuss Contact lens and Allergy Concerns with a Wellington Optometrist
For personalized advice and optimal eye care, consult an experienced eye doctor in Wellington, FL, at Family Vision Center PA. Schedule an appointment to address unique concerns and maintain healthy vision.

Why is My Child Cross-Eyed?

Strabismus is the official medical term for crossed eyes. This condition is more common in children than you may realize. Thankfully, it’s not like long ago when a person had to live their entire lives with crossed eyes. Many treatment options exist today, including special lenses, therapies, and surgery, depending on the case. If your child has crossed eyes in Wellington, FL, contact your optometrist for help as soon as possible.

What Causes Crossed Eyes in Children?

Children have varying degrees of muscle development and coordination. The eyes function with a synergy of muscle movement. Each eye has muscles that control eye movement. Normally, the muscles in each eye are coordinated. It’s a complex system, which is why, in some children, one eye’s muscles are more developed than others. When one muscle is weaker than the other, crossed eyes can develop.

Sometimes genetics plays a part, too. If a parent had crossed eyes, their child has a higher risk of having it. Then there are some health conditions that can play into it, like Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, premature birth complications, and so on.

The Importance of Treating Crossed Eyes

Contact your optometrist in Wellington, FL, as soon as possible for crossed eyes treatment. If it’s left untreated for too long, a lazy eye can develop, where the brain ignores information from one eye, or the weaker eye muscles fail to get stronger over time.

There are many treatment options, but the first step is to bring your child in for a pediatric eye exam. A possible cause may be determined, and then a course of treatment can begin.

If your child has crossed eyes, whether it’s mild or moderate, contact us to book an appointment. The sooner treatment starts, the sooner your child’s eyes can get better.