Why Are My Eyes Always Itchy?

Eyes can become itchy for all sorts of temporary reasons. But if you find that your eyes are chronically itchy, meaning it seems like they’re always itching, it’s time to visit your eye doctor in Wellington, FL. Your eye doctor can diagnose and determine a treatment plan for your itchy eyes so that you can get some relief. In the meantime, here are some common causes of itchy eyes to be aware of.


The most common cause of itchy eyes is allergies. In Wellington, Florida, there are all kinds of potential allergens that can cause your eyes to itch. Most are seasonally-related. If you find that your eyes tend to get itchy at certain times of the year, it’s likely that you’re allergic to pollen or some other irritant.

However, there are other possible allergens to consider. You may be experiencing itchy eyes due to a certain eye makeup, face soap, or laundry detergent. It’s recommended to keep a log to see if you can establish a pattern between products, seasonal allergens, and your itchy eyes flareups.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Another common, yet often overlooked, cause of itchy eyes is dry eye syndrome. This condition occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. Without sufficient lubrication, your eyes can become irritated and itchy. Environmental conditions and even aging can contribute to this condition. You can get a diagnosis and treatment for dry eye syndrome in Wellington, FL.

Eye Strain

Factors such as prolonged screen time and working long hours can contribute to eye strain. A common symptom of eye strain is itchy eyes. Try to close your eyes every few minutes for several seconds to give your eyes a break. You may need to make other lifestyle changes.

If you have itchy eyes, don’t ignore it. You could damage your eyes by repeated rubbing. Contact us today to schedule your eye exam so we can get to the source of the problem.

How an Eye Doctor Can Help You Treat Dizziness

Whether it happens infrequently or it’s just recently started occurring more often, dizziness can be common for many people. In some cases, it may be due to a lack of hydration or general nutritional deficiencies. For others, it’s a lack of sleep or general stress. However, there are also some people who experiencedizziness in Wellington, FL, due to their vision. We’ll look at why this is and how an eye doctor can help you treat it.


What Causes Dizziness?

Binocular vision dysfunction (BVD) is often the most common cause of dizziness. It occurs when both eyes can’t see their surroundings as a single image. Sometimes called cross-eyes or lazy-eyes, there isn’t one definition for this umbrella disorder. If the eyes can’t work together as a pair, it can cause you to feel anything from nausea to vertigo. You may also start to feel dizzy if you’re constantly focusing your eyes on objects right in front of you, whether they’re books or computer screens.


How an Eye Doctor in Wellington, FL, Can Help 

Aneye doctor in Wellington can recommend treatment based on what’s causing the dizziness. This may include updating your prescription, getting special glasses for screen time, or prescribing a prismatic lens to correct any alignment issues. When you speak to the optometrist, ensure that you’re giving them the full story about how often you have dizzy spells, when you first noticed them, and whether there were any common threads between them all.

At Family Vision Center PA, our staff is ready to help you learn more about what could be causing your dizziness and how to reduce the frequency. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Even if it doesn’t seem like the problems are related to your vision, the doctor may find it’s more connected than you realize.

Will My Child Notice If Their Eyesight Gets Worse?

As children grow, their bodies have to adjust to multiple changes. With every growth spurt, they learn more about themselves and how things work. When it comes to their eyes, though, they don’t necessarily know what a normal vision field is. We’ll look at what parents should pay attention to and how to avoid bigger problems in the future.

Signs to Look for
Older children will usually tell you when they’re having a problem seeing things. They may mention that they can’t see the chalkboard from the middle row or that they can’t tell the difference between two similarly shaped objects.

For very young kids, though, you may have to look for things like squinting, eye rubbing, or difficulty concentrating. Even frequent headaches can indicate that your child isn’t seeing well. If your child has a lazy eye, an issue where one eye is stronger and compensates for the other, you may notice your child holding their hand in front of one eye to see.

What You Can Do
Parents should schedule an appointment with an optometrist in Wellington, FL, between the ages of one and two. These routine eye exams are important because they’re more than checking a child’s visual acuity. It’s important to assess their overall eye health when young children can be susceptible to eye disorders like glaucoma. The earlier problems are discovered, the more likely a professional will be able to intervene.

Eye Exams in Wellington
At Family Vision Center PA, you’ll find staff that’s used to cater to families from all over the city. Contact us today if you’re looking forpediatric eye care in Wellington, FL. We’ll have you start by filling out our questionnaire before examining your child to see if they requires additional treatment or care.

When to Have Your Peripheral Vision Checked

When you go in for your standard eye exam, the main goal is to check your visual acuity. However, your peripheral vision is also important to how you perceive the world. Here are a few general guidelines for how often you should get it checked.

Peripheral Vision and Age
Your peripheral vision in Wellington, FL, is usually best when you’re young, so most people under 40 will only need it checked twice a decade. When a person hits 40, it bumps up to once every three years. Once an individual is 55 and older, once every one to two years is a good rule of thumb.

Am I at Risk of Losing My Peripheral Vision?
Beyond age, some people are more at risk of losing this specific type of vision. For instance, if you have a pre-existing condition, like high blood pressure, glaucoma, or diabetes, this can put more pressure on the eye, affecting how well you see out of the corners of your eye. If you experience any type of blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashes in your line of sight, it’s important to note the frequency and talk to an optometrist about anything out of the ordinary.

Seeing an Eye Doctor in Wellington, FL
Regular eye exams in Wellington, FL, are an excellent way to monitor how your peripheral vision changes over time. At Family Vision Center PA, our staff can identify small changes that may spell bigger problems in the future. No matter what your daily routine is, peripheral vision can play a big role in keeping you safe. As long as you see the right optometrist and pay attention to the changes, you’ll have a better chance at successful intervention.

What Happens When You Wear Daily Contacts Longer Than a Day?

Does your optometrist in Wellington, FL, prescribe daily contact lenses for you? If so, you don’t want to wear them longer than your optometrist has prescribed.

Wearing your contact lenses for longer than prescribed can block off oxygen from your eye, causing new blood vessels to grow. If this happens, the new growth can block light from going through the cornea, leading to potential vision loss.

Five Things That Happen When You Wear Daily Contact Lenses Longer Than a Day
Here are some risks associated with wearing daily contacts for an extended period.

1. Eye Irritation
Daily disposable contacts are prone to deposit buildup. Additionally, minor irritants will accumulate on the surface, and reusing the contacts can cause eye irritation.

2. Corneal Abrasion
If your contacts break apart, they will likely injure your cornea (front of your eye). This is because their shape no longer matches the cornea’s curvature. And if your contacts break into pieces while they are still in your eye, removing the pieces may cause painful scratches on your eye, requiring emergency treatment.

3. Corneal Neovascularization
Reusing disposable lenses reduces their quality. And this will disrupt oxygen penetration. If your cornea doesn’t get enough oxygen (hypoxia), it could begin to swell. Additionally, severe corneal neovascularization can result in blindness.

4. Infections
If you go against your optometrist’s advice and wear yourdaily contact lenses in Wellington, FL, for too long, they are likely to be contaminated with harmful bacteria or viruses, which can cause infection and inflammation. Not only that, but conditions like conjunctivitis and microbial keratitis can cause blindness.

5. Poor Vision
Daily contacts are only designed to provide you with good vision for just one day. But if you wash them, it can cause scratches and other damage, reducing their effectiveness. Never reuse daily disposable contact lenses. If you prefer reusable ones, go for the daily extended-use contacts, which you can re-wear for up to 30 days.

Are You Needing an Optometrist in Wellington, FL?
If you need an optometrist in Wellington, FL, pleaseContact Family Vision Center PA today. Your vision isn’t something to be taken lightly. Therefore, it’s important to have it checked regularly.

3 Signs You Have an Eyelid Disorder

Eyelid disorders are relatively common and can range in severity. People with extreme symptoms, such as a drooping eyelid, won’t have to question whether to see aneye doctor in Wellington, FL. Other people may not even realize there’s an issue. We’ll look at the most common signs of eyelid disorders and why it’s important to pay attention to them.

Eyelid Irritation
If you’re constantly itching your eyes, the problem may not be your eyes but your eyelids. Conditions like blepharitis occur when your glands are blocked, or the eyelid skin is infected, which can cause the eyelids to become inflamed.

Bump on the Eyelid
A bump on the eyelid is usually a stye. This condition is caused when the gland or hair follicle is infected. Styes often go away after a few days; some are so small that they may go undetectable. However, if you’re constantly getting styes or they take too long to go away, it could be a sign of a more chronic problem.

If you notice flakes or crust on your eyelid, it could be a sign that your glands are blocked. The saline from your tears is not the only element that keeps your eyes moist. You need the oil from the gland inside your eyelid to stay hydrated. Crusting is more than annoying, it’s a condition that can lead to chronic dry eye in the future.

See an Optometrist in Wellington
Eyelid disorders in Wellington, FL, can be treated when you visit the right team. At Family Vision Center PA, we can tell you more about the problem so you can get the help and care you need.

What Does Eye Discharge Mean?

No one wants to have eye discharge unless it’s happy tears. But eye discharge is something we all have to live with. When is eye discharge cause for concern or a trip to your eye doctor in Wellington, FL? Here’s a breakdown of what eye discharge can mean.

Normal Eye Discharge
The eyes normally discharge certain substances, which everyone can relate to. This includes the crusty discharge you sometimes find in the corner of your eyes after waking up. This discharge combines mucus, oil, skin cells, and other things. It’s completely harmless and nothing to worry about.

Abnormal Eye Discharge
The problems come with abnormal discharge. You may find that you have abnormal eye discharge if you become sick with a heavy cold, get conjunctivitis or another eye infection. Some common features of abnormal discharge are:

Excess Discharge
People sometimes get watery, runny eyes with a heavy cold. As the cold dissipates, the discharge should also wane. If it doesn’t, you may have picked up an eye infection, which needs to be treated by your eye doctor.

Odd Colors
Abnormal eye discharge is often oddly colored. You might find that it’s green, yellow or gray. This strongly indicates an infection that could be conjunctivitis or something else. Again, a visit to your eye doctor is warranted.

Heavy Consistency
Another sign of abnormal eye discharge is a heavy, thick consistency. If it’s thick, sticky, or excessively crusty, you may have an eye infection or a blocked tear duct.

Secondary Symptoms
When the eye discharge is problematic, you may have secondary symptoms that can include:

puffy eyes
painful eyes
“scratchy” eyes
sensation of sand in the eyes
blurry vision
Don’t ignore eye discharge unless it fits the description of normal eye discharge as described above. Book an eye exam in Wellington, FL to diagnose and treat the reason for your eye discharge.

Hidden Signs Your Child Needs Vision Correction

Children often have no idea that there’s anything wrong with their vision. They’ll just assume that everyone sees the same way they do. It’s up to parents to detect the hidden signs that vision correction may be needed. Here are some things to look for:

Chronic Headaches
Your child should rarely experience a headache. If you find that they frequently complain about their head hurting or they are holding their head, the problem may be caused by poor vision. Poor vision causes the eyes to strain to focus, leading to headaches. In some cases, the headaches may be so severe that they resemble migraines.

They Refuse to Participate
if your child adamantly refuses to engage in certain activities, despite cajoling, threats or offers of a treat, it could be that they’re embarrassed or trying to hide the fact that they can’t see well. This vision challenge can cause a child to avoid activities where they can’t possibly excel.

They Don’t Enjoy Reading
Some people like reading, and others don’t. That’s okay. But if your child doesn’t like to read, you must consider the possibility that the reason has to do with them not being able to see up close. If they’re nearsighted, then reading becomes a chore, not an enjoyable pastime. There may be other reasons, but you should rule out a vision problem by bringing them to get aneye exam in Wellington, FL.

New Anger Issues
If your child’s personality changes after entering school, the problem could stem from many things, including poor eyesight. Not being able to see well will cause frustration, and your child may react with misplaced or overblown anger.

Bring your child in to see anoptometrist in Wellington, FL, whether or not you notice any hidden signs. But if you do see any of these clues, the sooner, the better you get them treatment.

Risk Factors for Dry Eye

Are you plagued with chronically dry eyes? This is a condition that causes several uncomfortable symptoms, including red, itchy eyes and the feeling that there’s something in your eye that you can’t get out. Fortunately, youreye doctor in Wellington, FL, can tell you more about dry eye, including who’s most at risk of developing this uncomfortable disorder.

Should I Worry About Dry Eye?
While it’s a fairly common condition, some people are more at risk of developing dry eye than others. These include people over the age of fifty, those who are pregnant, anyone suffering from a vitamin A deficiency, and those who wear contact lenses. But there are other factors that may make you more at risk of developing dry eyes, including:

Spending a lot of time outdoors in the wind
A dry environment inside your home
Excessive time spent in front of a screen
Not staying hydrated
If any of these describe you, and you’ve recently noticed dry, itchy eyes, it’s time to schedule an appointment for a routine eye exam with your vision specialist.

How Do I Know if I Have Dry Eyes?
Dry eyes manifest as burning, itching, and irritation. It may feel as though you have a particle in your eye, but the more you try to remove it, the worse your eye feels. You may notice pieces of stringy mucus in your eyes, and it may hurt to open them. These are all symptoms of dry eye disease, and they happen because the tears your body is producing either aren’t enough to keep your eyes lubricated or they’re not remaining in the eyes for a long enough period of time to lubricate them adequately.

Fordiagnosis and treatment of dry eyes in Wellington, FL, call Family Vision Center PA today.

Best Practices for Clean and Comfortable Contact Lenses

Did you know that properly caring for your contacts would make them more comfortable to wear? Youreye doctor in Wellington, FL, will also tell you that the proper care of your contacts will help keep them from damaging your eyes.

Best Practices for Clean and Comfortable Contact Lenses
Here are some care recommendations your eye doctor will give you when prescribing youcontacts in Wellington, FL.

Regular Eye Exams
It’s essential to schedule regular exams with your eye doctor. Your optometrist can assess your eye health and provide you with personalized advice and updated prescriptions. This will help minimize the risk of irritation or other eye health issues.

Proper Lens Hygiene
Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contacts to prevent the transfer of bacteria. And only use a recommended lens solution to clear and disinfect your lenses. Never use tap water or saliva on your contacts. These could introduce harmful microorganisms to your eyes and lenses.

Tips for Having Comfortable Contact Lenses
You should hydrate your eyes by using lubricating eye drops made for contacts to keep your eyes comfortable. Follow the wearing schedule recommended by your eye doctor. Extended wear without the proper breaks can lead to discomfort and complications. And replace your lenses as recommended by your eye doctor.

How to Properly Clean Your Contact Lenses
Always wash and dry your hands before cleaning your lenses. Then, fill your contact lens case with fresh disinfecting solution. Next, rub your contact lens with disinfecting solution, then rinse that lens with more solution. Then, place it in its storage chamber and close the lid. Do that with both lenses.

Do You Need an Eye Doctor in Wellington, FL?
If you need an eye doctor in Wellington, FL, pleaseContact Vision Source today. Proactive eye care is the key to maintaining clean and comfortable contact lenses. Don’t compromise your vision. Take the first step towards the best possible eye health available.