Can Vitamins, Minerals, and Food Help Control Myopia?

If you are having trouble seeing objects that are off in the distance, you might have myopia. Your optometrist in Wellington, FL, will be able to examine your eyes and tell you if you have myopia. But what exactly is myopia?

What Is Myopia?
Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness, which is when you can see near but can’t as clearly when looking at objects in the distance. Nearsightedness is influenced by a variety of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The good news is that there are plenty of vitamins and minerals you can take that will help prevent myopia. Always talk with your eye doctor in Wellington, FL about what options you have other than the following for preventing myopia.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps maintain the health of your retina. The vegetables with the most vitamin A include carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help reduce the risk of getting myopia and could help slow down the progression if you are already experiencing it. The foods containing the most omega-3 fatty acids are fish, such as mackerel and salmon. Additionally, walnuts and flaxseeds also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin have both been found to have a protective effect on your macula. The foods with the most lutein and zeaxanthin are corn, leafy greens, and eggs.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D doesn’t have a direct effect on your myopia. However, being outside in the sun contributes to natural vitamin D synthesis of the skin, which has been shown to reduce the chances of getting myopia. Additionally, vitamin D is also good for your overall eye health because it can help improve your tear function while reducing your risk of getting cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

Do You Need an Optometrist in Wellington, FL?
If you are looking for an optometrist in Wellington, FL, please Contact Family Vision Center PA today. We have a team of experienced doctors and a friendly staff that will all make you feel comfortable and welcome throughout every visit.

Is Myopia Preventable?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects about 13 million people in the U.S. With this condition, the eyeball is elongated rather than circular in shape. This causes light entering the eye to behave in a way that produces blurry vision in the distance. While there is a proven genetic predisposition to myopia, in some cases, it may be preventable or diminished. In Wellington, FL, myopia can be treated at your eye doctor’s office.
Lifestyle Factors That Can Cause Myopia
Whether or not a person is genetically predisposed to myopia, certain lifestyle behaviors can make it more likely for a child to develop nearsightedness. These include:
Excessive Screen Time
Studies are being conducted to evaluate the correlation between screen time and myopia. While results are currently mixed, there’s enough evidence to suggest that limiting a child’s screen time may reduce the risk of nearsightedness.
Poor Reading Light
When a child is reading or working in low light conditions, the book, workbook, or drawing and/or coloring materials must be held closer in order to see. Because a child’s physical eyes are still developing, this could result in the eyeball growing in a misshapen shape, which would result in myopia.
Less Outdoor Time
In another study, it was found that children who spent less than an hour each day outside were five times more likely to develop myopia. This correlation is likely due to two reasons: One, physical exercise helps with proper eye growth and development; Two, being outdoors requires distance vision and exercises different muscle groups in the eye.
Being Bottle-fed
Babies who aren’t breastfed are twice as likely to be nearsighted later on in life. It’s been determined that the abundance of nutrients in breast milk contributes to avoiding myopia.
If myopia runs in your family, it might be beneficial to avoid these known risk factors so that your child might not have to deal with being nearsighted. For more information about myopia, contact your eye doctor in Wellington, FL, today.

Why You Should Reduce Eyestrain to Slow the Progression of Myopia

Myopia is another term for near-sightedness, or the inability to see objects that are far from you. Eyestrain in Wellington, FL, is a common symptom of this condition, one that can cause headaches or burning eyes after a while. We’ll look at whether reducing eyestrain can slow (rather than stop) the progression of myopia and what you can do on your end to ensure you’re taking care of your eyes throughout the day.

Does Eyestrain Cause Myopia?

Eyestrain does not technically cause myopia. It’s defined as a temporary condition that can be caused for any number of reasons. For instance, if you have a mild case of near-sightedness, you may choose not to wear glasses or contact contacts while you drive. However, over time, you find yourself squinting to make out the many signs on the road, which inevitably causes your eyes to feel overworked.

How Can Reducing Eyestrain Help?

The more you strain your eyes, the more the eye’s axial length will continue to grow. This is one of the main factors of myopia, which is why it’s important to give your eyes the attention they need to stay healthy. This usually means taking breaks from screens every half hour or so to look at an object at least 20 feet away. You should also cut out excess screen time, improve the lighting around you, blink regularly, and go outside often.

Eye Doctors in Wellington

If you’re looking for eye doctors in Wellington, FL, who understand how to treat myopia or just looking for advice on how to stall it, the Family Vision Center PA staff is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an exam, so your eyes can stay as healthy as possible.