Entries by admin

Can Eyedrops Help Improve My Child’s Vision?

Parents who want their kids to see better will likely think about what type of glasses to purchase. The next question might be whether there are other options available that can give their kids the gift of sight. If you’ve heard of eyedrops helping a child see, we’ll look at what exactly that means and […]

How to Protect Children’s Eyesight

Your child’s eyesight is still developing. Any problems that may develop later on in life might be prevented with the implementation of the following ideas to help protect your child’s eyesight as they grow. Plenty of Sleep Children need lots of sleep in order for healthy growth, and that includes their eyesight. Tired eyes aren’t […]

Can Dry Eye Syndrome be Reversed?

Dry eye syndrome affects millions of people all over the world. This condition causes redness, irritation and—in some cases—physical damage to the eye. If you’ve been diagnosed with dry eye syndrome in Wellington, FL, you may like to know whether or not the condition can be reversed. Treatment For Dry Eye Syndrome Much of the […]

Patient’s Guide to Retinopathy

Retinopathy refers to any disease that affects the retina, but most of us think of diabetic retinopathy when we hear this term. In reality, there are several different types of retinal diseases, and not all are caused by high levels of sugar in the blood. Your eye doctor in Wellington, FL, can diagnose and treat […]

Common Eye Diseases Among the Aging

With age sometimes comes a natural decline in visual acuity that’s related to a more serious condition. Your eye doctor in Wellington, FL, can help you care for your vision as you grow older by performing regular eye exams and diagnosing eye diseases in their earliest stages. Some of the more common eye conditions that […]

Can Adults Get Pink Eye?

Pink eye is a more common term for conjunctivitis, and anyone can get it. This condition is caused by inflammation of the delicate tissue that lines the eyeball and the eyelid. Blood vessels inside this tissue swell, causing the whites of your eyes to appear pink. If you think you may have pink eye, your […]

8 Signs of Toddler Vision Problems

Your child’s eyesight is an important aspect of their development. Vision helps to shape how your child perceives and interacts with their surroundings. Unfortunately, toddlers often don’t have the knowledge, verbal skills or capability to let parents know when they’re having trouble with their eyesight. Yet, it’s important to catch problems with eyesight so they […]

Caring For Your New Eyeglasses

When you get new eyeglasses in Wellington, FL, you want to take good care of them. Eyeglasses are an investment in your eye health. The longer they last, the more value they add to your life. Here are some tips to help keep your glasses as good as new. Use the Eyeglass Case When you […]

Is Myopia Preventable?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects about 13 million people in the U.S. With this condition, the eyeball is elongated rather than circular in shape. This causes light entering the eye to behave in a way that produces blurry vision in the distance. While there is a proven genetic predisposition to myopia, in some cases, […]